Wednesday, July 30, 2008

all hail the emo queen


Now Playing: Some song I came up with, playing in my head
Mood: emo

Yea...of coz I'm still in contact with my friends, but it's all so...different. It's over a month. I still have 4Sc3's scream for my name...during really random moments....crack jokes, weirdness....even funny they say every second's so true, I'm using someone else's laptop right now, just so that I can express sorrow again.

Sunday, July 27, 2008



Now Playing: Cloud Connected - In Flames (lazy to link again)
Mood: Stressed

OMFG!!! ASSESTMENTS IN AUG 18 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! must. study. to. survive. and. get. full. access. of. internet!!! X_X my maths still suck. I feel like shit. I'm done with being vegetarian. My mom and Mel are right - everything in moderation. Hope 4Sc3 is doing fine, and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AFIQ

Monday, July 21, 2008

Last Minutes in Heaven


Now Playing: nothing
Mood: guilt....yet urging to draw

Ugh....I nearly cried in public yesterday. This time it's got nothing to do with SG, it's mom forced me to eat P-O-R-K!! OUTRAGEOUS! FOR A SEMI VEG LIKE ME TO BE FORCED TO EAT PORK JUST TO CALM MY MOM'S ANGER WTF!!!! I even drank chicken soup, ate silverfish, had duck gravy (even if those kind of stuff are minor coz I'm just a semi) BUT STILL OMFG why do some parents accept being vegetarianism but not mine? Even if my mom knows how foie gras are made (putting a tube into the duck's mouth and forcing it to a lot) but yet she says it's part of the circle of life.

Fact: We were once the hunted. We were prolly herbivores back then I guess. Coz our intestines are herbivore-ish. Plus, meat clogs our arteries, but thank God for our stronger digestive system these days that doesn't make us suffer from indigestion, which somehow excludes old ppl (no offense). Quoted from somewhere "Blest this world for it's fruit without having to spill blood." or something among those lines, why can't we people move to just....stop global warming and solve the food crisis?! Circle of of lifeless carcasses being served at our dinner table that is.

sigh, enough rants. But anyways, today in school we had Racial Harmony Day. I wore the sotong outfit aka baju kurung to school today, sang the choir. Then I skipped RDA today. I won't want an expensive silk clothing to get dirty =_= But then inspiration struck yesterday, and I started designing new characters for a prolly 2 hr long motion picture, but again I still have to wait and get my job, before I can move on being producer for what I'm dreaming of...again. Now there's two stories stuck in my head - Academy 1957 and Last Minutes in Heaven (both are working titles) I'll draw the new characters when I have the time, when I'm done I'll submit to dA. And DON'T STEAL MY ART!!!

Enough complains for today.
EDIT: I'M GONNA DEAL WITH EATING MEAT AGAIN!!!!! WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUEL?????!!!!!!!!!! (it's won ton noodles btw T_T)
EDIT EDIT: It's vegetarian curry rice! Complete with tofu, potato and spinach! XD

Thursday, July 17, 2008



Now Playing: It's my Life - video performanc of Childhood Dreamers during my Sweet 16 party
Mood: as said in title

Why? Coz I wanna end high school life and then finllege and work as an animator the rest of my life. JK. I just can't stand stereotypicalism. Nuff said.

Anways, break time I went to the library and borrowed a book, written by none other than Anthony Horowitz (BUT not an Alex Rider story tho, I read all 7 and waiting for the 8th) however, check this out:


Then lunch time we practiced our class play. BUT there was comic relief while waiting. I dunno where Gabriel managed to find a PAD....and then stuck it in between, cotton side up, played the catch the drop of water, then realises that PADS are super absorbant, Donovan was laughing his ass off for that, which also triggers a chain reaction that made me laugh like a moron also rolling on the floor laughing (his laugh is hilarious and moronic btw XD) and then they still don't have enuff, they had to pour a whole bottle of water on it, kick it around the hall, making its water drip like there's no tomorrow, and this thing goes on like there's no tomorrow. It's just some hilariously stupid moment

Right now, at home...unpacking is hecticity. And I got bored again:


Wednesday, July 16, 2008



Now Playing: Given Up - Linkin Park
Mood: Accomplishment...somehow ._.

Ok-oklar...I know it isn't that good. A lot of errors here and there. I edited some part of the score so that it's easier for me to play. C'MON does it look like a person who stopped Grade 3 at
9 years old gonna play like a pro?? =__=

I wanna know what you guys think. (Even if it's not really my future) and I am no way gonna upload it to YouTube. Seriously, like every video uploaded there there would be someone saying bad stuff about it. NO WAY, especially since YouTube is crowded with pro pianists (including pro Tap Dancers as well =_______=) so yea...gonna move to my real home today, that's why I feel good after recording this song - there's no keyboard yet in my new house.

This was the com's reflection (dat's y I'm wearing glasses)

to be more accurate, my BLOG XD

Monday, July 14, 2008

Spit You Out


Now Playing: Apologise on piano - Tony Dao
Mood: Sulking against..

TODAY I GOT THE MONDAY BLUES...again...and remember that guy I told you abt RDA? well he isn't here this week. As I guessed it. And then, right after returning...

"Oh my I missed you so"

"Wait, this is't my keyboard..."

"And this isn't even my real house yet."

But anyways....

Because I am such a lan si. I know it's not that great. Incomplete and all, and this keyboard doesn't have amps, if you notice the F key (NOT F WORD YOU NGONG)is louder than the rest.

And dudes...I became frens wif a hacker o.o

Saturday, July 12, 2008



Now Playing: Let's Groove - Earth Wind and Fire
Mood: Sienz

@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
You have just sent a nudge.
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
T_T zech
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
T_T alex
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
T_T zech
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
T_T alex
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
T_T zech
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
T_T alex
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
T_T zech
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
T_T alex
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
T_T zech
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
T_T alex
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
T_T zech
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
T_T alex
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
T_T my zech
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
T_T my alex
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
T_T our cutey pies
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
T_T miss like shit
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
did u realise
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
T_T me too
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
T_T what?
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
their initials are polar opposites?
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
A and Z
@---•ŘðċķĮŊģ Pŗįśøʼnŝ•---@ says:
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
XD zech so cute
♪ ~♀ Sø†øng 円åçk ♂~ ♪ says:
so cute

As you can see...we're on ecstasy...
ps: There is nothing going on between Chi Qin and Zech

OOT (Out of Topic)??? Much respects

Now Playing: Nemesis - Arch Enemy
Mood: o_O I'm being shitted....actually more like pwned

2 or 3 days ago I T_T again, out of jealousy. That's when the roles of true friends come to play, where you can share ur tots, and then realise the same thing happened to ur friends as well. Thx Benji and Chi Qin =)

But enuff dosage of my everyday life. Let me show you my latest idol:

Yes we know that's a girl. Her name is Angela Gossow. Pretty, charming smile, looks slim in black, wearing a cowboy hat (yee haw) - impression of a normal girl

Another shot of her. Seriously elegant looking, and just became my idol, why? We'll get to that later.

We know that there are rock bands with female singers, like Paramore. Also, gothic rock/opera metal female singers in bands like Nightwish, Within Temptation, etc. But this one, is one of the few sucessful women who have been...
- a melodic death metal band whose primary vocals are screaming. I KNOW! How amazing is that?! INSTANT IDOL OF MINE >D!! Lemme show you one of their latest stuff:

Get this widget Track details eSnips Social DNA

She actually joined Arch Enemy on the year 2001, during her interview, she's got a video recording in which she calls "poor quality" and then the band, particularly Amott, said that "she wiped the floor with all the other contenders".

ps: She's vegetarian. And I'm on day 2 of Veg diet. I told u guys I'm changing my image rite, and yes this is part of it, I'm liking what I am now, makes me feel so much better than anything else(I bought a skirt too), and I'll try that diet at least 30 days, if it works out, I'm pure vegetarian (NOT VEGAN).


Before I go, right now I have the mood to draw...I need inspiration guys-WAIT A MINUTE! I GOT ONE! Nevermind guys thx anyways lol

Friday, July 11, 2008

©anon D foreve®


Now Playing: Canon Rock - JerryC
Mood: RE-energised

Nowadays, I'm lazy to get up for school. I've got a painful butt, a numb hand, and stiff fingers, why? Kenapa?

Yesterday I did all my cheer jumps (ALL OF IT) on the trampoline and stretched my muscles too hard on the butt. A numb hand for carving out lino art, which nearly made me lose my blood circulation that may make a person stuck in the same place else I won't be here, stiff fingers for noodling around with the keyboard again (I wish my mom gets a keyboard)

But yeah, enough rants. I've got more snaps.

This one is on lunch time. Come on guys, I tried ok? But sometimes, things like this is up to all of you to pursue XD. And that string thingy, is food, really. They're tasty.

Then we went out for dinner. After dinner [payback XD, From Autumn to Ashes fans will get it] Catherine wanted to go to the games room. So I played this:

I still kinda suck at it, c'mon, it's a 5 footed 1 (as you can see on the screen), not like ur usual DDR. And I loved their Canon D remix XD, I played that lvl for like...4 times? XD

Catherine. Daughter of Aunty Lisa and Uncle John.

ps: one of her video games nearly killed my eardrums, Pixel Chix SUCK MAN, THEY'RE ALL SO FUCKING SOTONG/BITCHY THAT THEY'VE GOT NO LIFE! Especially when she left it there without switching it off, that girl kept saying "Ehem, excuse me?" in a really fucking bithcy way X_X LIKE A LOT OF TIMES I'M DEAF NOW I TELL YA, I'M DEAF!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

ΞמTotal TT_TTnessמΞ


Now Playing: That's What You Get - Paramore
Mood: Nostalgic, sad

After looking at the vid in Olivia's blog, I became nostalgic, and went to YouTube to search for Sri Garden videos

OMG I'm in the vid! Hint: @ 1:06, Red t-shirt
ps: @ 2:36 Note the lan si Yellow House flagbearer XD

I'm ALSO in this vid, and again, Red shirt @ 0:29 AND 0:41. Note that I had long hair that time. Man I'm getting perasan XD

To reduce my perasan-ness, I uploaded a vid of Mel Tan during her prom nite performance (I wasn't in the event btw) THIS ONE'S FOR YOU MEL!! KYA!

Monday, July 7, 2008



Now Playing: Los Angeles - X

...not. XD but srsly, today...I was lazy to get up lol. But yeah, Mondays...oh man. And I GOT SHOTS XD!!

Basketball court...looks big

PLAYGROUND, but don think abt hogging it, it's for elementary kids only

And Then during Physics class I tried to get the photos of my leng lui frens, BUT they're camera shy (TOO BAD, GUYS XD)And yes, boy activity happening and all

No offence to guys in photo. But yea, they were fooling around wif the experiment while teacher was away, and I had to do I put these terms... guy terms: dodge, girl terms: FLEE, from the incoming cans that were loaded with sand.coz it'll hurt

Then there's social service on Mondays. I chose RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association)


And then the biggest coincidence in my life. But first:

1. Go to Youtube
2. Search for Fred
3. Listen to me now

One of the guys (not in my school) who is also helping the kid we're supposed to take care of, as in being sidewalker, came from the UK, I was too shy to ask for his photo, cuz we JUST MET DAMNIT. Yeah...

His name is also Fred, AND LOOKS LIKE FRED OMFG!!!!! SAME HAIR, CAUCASIAN, SAME NAME, different voice, but of course that's too obvious. Yes, we started conversations and all, he said he was from the UK and currently on holiday, 9 weeks...9 WEEKS!!! liek summer vacation. Den den den...I wanted to ask for his email, BUT we had to go. It was 5pm, oh man, dun think I could see that guy again, nice meeting you Fred, that is if you are reading this.

EDIT: to some of you who don't believe me. I can tell you I remembered what he wore. Not that I'm a stalker or anything, just observant.
1. Maroon colored jersey with yellow patterns, with the number 4 if not mistaken.
2. White and Red sneakers.
3. Bermudas.
Does that prove that he exists? If not I don't really care what you think anymore

then I when I came home, I smell of horse poop EWWW!!! YUCK!!!!!! and my shoes are also filled with sand. DOUBLE YUCK! And I heard from Childhood Dreamers THAT THEY'RE COMING DOWN TO SINGAPORE TO VISIT ME YAY!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOO

ps: did I mention I cut my hair? I WANT SHOULDER LENGTH HAIR T_T but anyways...

Cam whoring rox...

Saturday, July 5, 2008


My heart shatters,
Never to find its pieces again,
I'm missing,
From the world thou live in,

I'm empty,
It shatters for mourning my absence,
I hope to return,
To see thy smile as I come,

As if dead,
Dissapearing from existance,
I am gone,
But I'm commited to memory.

~Spontaneous poem by yours truly

Friday, July 4, 2008

ЏЇI don't think I can sleep tonightЇЏ


Now Playing: Seventeen - Winger

Short term hiatus? Is over XD So to round up week one of Singapore:

Friday,Saturday n Sunday:
Mom, step dad and I stayed in Fairmount, then drops me off at my mom's friend's place. I instantaeneously got used to the bedroom there, so comfy~ XD

Now to elaborate more on my first week in school.

And of course, enthusiastic ppl to meet newbs. Didn't get to talk alot on the first day yet. But slowly getting to know more through different classes, bcoz diff class = diff ppl. So yea. Got Malaysians there too. And now, working on English assignment as well as blogging + chatting wif Alex on his fren's Msn (AND HE JUST SAID HE'S GETTING A MODEM TOMORROW!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA *eyes dart back and fourth*...when is sachie and aiza coming on9??) + Drinking water = multitasking sux. Art club seems nice. Enthusiastic for RDA as well >D KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Religious Education also got me into thinking about the future again, stressed fo coz not so bleak anymore, did I mention this before? I know what college I'm going to, DigiPen. And I AM determined to start an animation career, y'kno?

Other than looking towards the future...I also had nostalgia. Remember the times when you played with body wash soap and made soap bubbles? Well, the brand Dove, not only does it give you nice skin, it also makes BIG BUBBLES XD! BIGGEST BUBBLES I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE (tho may not be bigger than some other type I forgot how, sth to do with car-wash soap and all) [Is practically talking crap here]

You guys should go to YouTube and look for Fred. His chipmunk voice and storyline is really funny. (Digressing)

I'm now lvl 32 in Zu online, wow, Zu is REALLY easy to level up XD I love Zu. I think I can just...(continues talking crap, even poetic ones which make no sense, whilst lost in dreamworld and doesn't know when to sign off the blog) OH SNAP, I GOT AN ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT! gtg now bye

Thursday, July 3, 2008

טּ_טּ Headache טּ_טּ


Now Playing: For All These Times Son, For All These Times - Lostprophets (the link is there 8D)
Mood: Headache

These assignments are a real pain, I'm not used to it yet X_X. Anyways, I'm getting adapted to life in Singapore already. Not the homework yet lol. I guess catching up wif a few things is a big pain eg Add maths -_-, could've taken that instead of Art if I knew X_X (but at the same time, there ARE benefits of takinf art in terms of social coughachokelesnortx)the assignments are a real pain in the butt brain although I gotta admit some are fun, but not when you're stressed.

Ngeh, these days I'm making really short blog posts and I dunno y. Ran out of words? Maybe. I may also think about going on a short-term hiatus on blogging, that is if, I'm pressured or lazy. Yes, I still miss you guys, even dream of you guys, but I have other things to do other than just blogging. Signing off

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ﻼﻬOOT - Zu Onlineﻬﻼ


I'm not listening to anything nor am I in a describable mood. In a nutshell, I got lazy for this part XD

Zu online. Checked this a week ago or so. adn then...FELL IN LOVE WITH IT >D I'm a lvl 25 Moon maiden in the faction of Tai. My char name is Yan-Li-Shan (dun ask, randomly generated XD)

Really mesmerizing graphics, easy quests to level up, controls, at first may seem conplicated, but you'll get used to it. The pic shows a summoner (as I'm typing, the more I feel like playing Zu online now XD) What more can I say...(urging to play now) er.....characters have quite nice choices, but for different clans cannot change gender,so I'm stuck as a spellcasting kind, but with speed as well, at least not a (gay) healer...and. OMFG I WANNA PLAY ZU ONLINE NOW, CONCENTRATION SUCKS XD